Tom Lovett Outstanding Student

The Tom Lovett Outstanding Student Award is presented by RIMPA to recognise a student who has achieved excellence in their educational studies and this learning has impacted them and the RIMPA community and/or industry. 

2023 Winner

2023: John van der Zant MRIM sponsored by Records Solutions

2023: John van der Zant MRIM sponsored by Records Solutions

John received his Bachelor of Arts – Librarianship and Corporate Information Management in January 2023 through Curtin University.


Tom Lovett

Tom Lovett

Tom Lovett is a founding father of RIMPA who, in March 1969 saw a gap that needed filling for an industry that was being ignored.  Tom spoke to university professors and business leaders to gain support for the creation of the association and the development of industry specific courses.  Tom was elected the foundation President of RMAA and held office until 1971, where he then continued in the industry teaching the RM course he developed until 1978.

The process for nomination and assessment is performed through three steps: EligibilityGate 1 and Gate 2.  Nominations can be self-nominated or submitted by a third party.  There may also be an in-person discussion with shortlisted nominees (if required).


  • Nominee does not need to be a RIMPA Global member 
  • The field of study must be completed between 01/07/23-31/05/24 
  • The study is not required to be a records and information management centric course, but must incorporate subjects in records and information management 
  • The learning must be undertaken through either an accredited RTO or RIMPA (training workshops) 
    • If submitting a nomination based on RIMPA training workshops the nominee must have completed a minimum of 12 subjects in a period of 18 months. 

Gate 1

  • The field of study has been completed

  • Evidence is provided detailing course name, place of study, modules/subjects studied and certification of completion

Gate 2

  • The nominee will answer two questions on the online nomination form

  • The judging committee will score each response using a merit-based assessment

Gate 2 closes 12 July 2024

2024 Winner

To be announced at the Black Tie Gala Dinner and Awards night at RIMPA Live 2024!

Previous Winners

2023: Johannes van de Zant MRIM

2022: Michelle Williams 

2021: Rachel Bell and Dr Chris Colwell FRIM

2020: Lisa Huria sponsored by FYB

2019: Livia Porto sponsored by Records Solutions

2018: Janine Morris MRIM sponsored by Records Solutions

2017: Leanda Davis sponsored by Records Solutions

2016: Nicole Mathison sponsored by Records Solutions

2015: Elizabeth Charlton sponsored by Records Solutions

2014: Julie Walker sponsored by Records Solutions

2013: Nicole Thorne-Vicatos ARIM sponsored by Records Solutions

2012: Debrah Talbot

2011: Debra Leigo

2010: Sharon Newell

2007: Natalie Goodban

2006: Melissa Okely sponsored by RIMPA Queensland Branch

2002: Jillian Jones

2001: Gillian Drew

2000: Kye O'Donnell