Tom Lovett Outstanding Student
The Tom Lovett Outstanding Student Award is presented by RIMPA to recognise a student who has achieved excellence in their educational studies and this learning has impacted them and the RIMPA community and/or industry.
2023 Winner

2023: John van der Zant MRIM sponsored by Records Solutions
John received his Bachelor of Arts – Librarianship and Corporate Information Management in January 2023 through Curtin University.

Tom Lovett
The process for nomination and assessment is performed through three steps: Eligibility, Gate 1 and Gate 2. Nominations can be self-nominated or submitted by a third party. There may also be an in-person discussion with shortlisted nominees (if required).
- Nominee does not need to be a RIMPA Global member
- The field of study must be completed between 01/07/23-31/05/24
- The study is not required to be a records and information management centric course, but must incorporate subjects in records and information management
- The learning must be undertaken through either an accredited RTO or RIMPA (training workshops)
- If submitting a nomination based on RIMPA training workshops the nominee must have completed a minimum of 12 subjects in a period of 18 months.
Gate 1
The field of study has been completed
Evidence is provided detailing course name, place of study, modules/subjects studied and certification of completion
Gate 2
The nominee will answer two questions on the online nomination form
The judging committee will score each response using a merit-based assessment
Gate 2 closes 12 July 2024
2024 Winner
To be announced at the Black Tie Gala Dinner and Awards night at RIMPA Live 2024!
Previous Winners
2023: Johannes van de Zant MRIM
2022: Michelle Williams
2021: Rachel Bell and Dr Chris Colwell FRIM
2020: Lisa Huria sponsored by FYB
2019: Livia Porto sponsored by Records Solutions
2018: Janine Morris MRIM sponsored by Records Solutions
2017: Leanda Davis sponsored by Records Solutions
2016: Nicole Mathison sponsored by Records Solutions
2015: Elizabeth Charlton sponsored by Records Solutions
2014: Julie Walker sponsored by Records Solutions
2013: Nicole Thorne-Vicatos ARIM sponsored by Records Solutions
2012: Debrah Talbot
2011: Debra Leigo
2010: Sharon Newell
2007: Natalie Goodban
2006: Melissa Okely sponsored by RIMPA Queensland Branch
2002: Jillian Jones
2001: Gillian Drew
2000: Kye O'Donnell