Information is the new currency. For you to protect it, you need to understand its value. Effective information governance that aligns with the overall risk management optimizes to leverage and protect information assets which results in accomplishing broader business goals.

Organisations must first know their data to better manage and protect their information assets. Reliable and actionable retention policies and procedures help organisations reduce corporate risk, control legal, IT and business costs and derive additional value from existing information asset portfolios.

Understanding information as an asset is vital and understanding how to develop an Information Asset Register can be one of the most useful tools that an organisation can have and implement as a one-stop shop.

Programme: Information Asset Register – Understanding and Developing

Workshop Competency:

Promotes information, data, and records management policies and strategies and allocates sufficient resources to implement them. 


Executive/lead - Level 4 for Information Asset Register – Understanding and Developing as summarised by Information, Data and Records Management Capabilities.

Mr Simon Rawson

Mr Simon Rawson

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