Drafting RIM & Data Policies for Maximum Buy-In

We’ve learned that the stick doesn’t work. You can push the “compliance” argument all year long and see very few results. It’s time for a new approach.The world of IG has characteristics not shared by established corporate services like HR and Finance. The traditional approach to policy in those areas is not directly transferable to disciplines that deal with the management of information.

In this hands-on, practical workshop you will explore the interplay between IG policies and corporate culture. We will evaluate several advanced techniques for drafting policies, standards, and procedures all aimed at encouraging buy-in from others and promoting compliance.

Over the course of the session, we will look at:

  • creating a robust and flexible framework that can keep up with constantly changing legal, technical, and other environmental factors
  • reducing architectural complexity by standardizing the position of key elements, differentiating policy from procedure, and finding a home for related content like definitions and roles and responsibilities
  • finding the right balance to avoid a dictatorial tone while maintaining authority and meeting requirements. This workshop will help both experienced policy writers and novices increase the overall engagement of the organization with information-related activities. It will equip you with the tools needed to add value to your organization through a suite of policies that both meet legal and regulatory requirements and foster a culture of collaboration and respect. There will be lots of opportunities for group discussion and practice exercises.

You will leave with:

  • an understanding of cultural elements that are foundational to effective IG policies
  • a system to establish criteria to set the right scope: what to include and what to omit
  • techniques for achieving the right tone: how to sound strict without sounding bossy

Your R/IM and Data Policies will:

  • Be clearer, more succinct, and respectful
  • Face fewer obstacles to approval
  • Use language that lowers resistance
  • Resonate more with others
  • Be easier to manage and scale

You'll gain the superpower to:

  • Distinguish policy from standards and procedures
  • Simplify structures
  • Spot hidden messages that deter compliance
  • Recognize when a formal policy isn't needed

You'll walk away with:

  • A copy of the Amazon international bestseller "Rules: Powerful Policy Wording to Maximize Engagement"
  • Fun, shareable illustrations
  • Handy samples and templates
  • A fresh perspective on the role of policies