Join the Ultimate Hackathon Challenge by RIMPA Global! 


This year RIMPA Global presents an exciting and rewarding opportunity for you to participate in a challenging new Hackathon. Gather your team, brainstorm groundbreaking solutions, and compete for a grand prize of $10,000 AUD!, judged by an independent panel of industry experts.

Can you hack it? Unleash your creativity and problem-solving skills in an electrifying Hackathon experience! Hackathon combines "hack" and "marathon" for a thrilling event where inquiring minds come together to tackle a complex problem and craft an innovative solution. This is all about creativity and collaboration - no illegal activity or data stealing involved!

Whether your role is records manager, student, engineer, IT expert, developer, cyber expert, information manager, data manager, librarian, archivist, or other, we are seeking teams ready to challenge the roadblocks to information being valued as a strategic asset.

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Your Mission - should you choose to accept it:
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How might information managers value information so that it is recognised as a strategic asset?


In today's fast-paced world, information is critical to any successful organisation. Despite the immense effort put into creating and managing it, determining its definitive monetary value remains a challenge. We want you and your team to explore and solve these pivotal questions:

  • How do we determine what information is worth to any organisation?
  • What is the formula or methodology used to measure the value of information assets in various organisations?
  • Can information have both qualitative and quantitative value?
  • How can information assets be included on an organisation's balance sheet?
  • Can the methods of valuing other corporate assets be applied to information?

Ready, Set, Go! Let your innovative ideas run wild to develop a solution that may include:

  • A methodology
  • A strategy
  • A specification for a digital tool
  • Algorithms
  • Formulas

All solutions will be considered!


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A hackathon is an exciting and collaborative event where people from diverse backgrounds come together to solve problems or create innovative solutions within a limited timeframe. Participants form teams to tackle specific challenges, pooling their skills and resources to rapidly prototype and develop practical outcomes.

Over 36 hours, teams brainstorm, design, and build applications or concepts, refining their ideas through quick and iterative problem-solving. At the end, solutions are presented to a panel of judges, with prizes awarded for creativity, functionality, practicality and innovation.

Beyond competition, hackathons foster collaboration, learning, and networking, offering a dynamic environment for creativity and real-world problem-solving.

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Here’s what awaits you in this unparalleled event:

1) First Place: $10,000 AUD

2) Second Place: Gifts valued up to $500 AUD

But that's not all! The winning team will be showered with additional benefits, including:

  1. Recognition in our email newsletter and social platforms, reaching out to over 3000+ subscribers: Your team and project will be featured in a special announcement, giving you valuable exposure.
  2. An exclusive feature in the IQ Magazine, where your team's achievements and innovative solution will be highlighted, providing you with a platform to showcase your talents across industries
  3. The opportunity for your solution to be adopted by the National Archives of Australia. Your groundbreaking work will be considered by influential stakeholders, potentially leading to real-world implementation and impact.

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The registration costs for each team are $250 AUD, regardless of whether the team consists of 3, 4, or 5 members.

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  • Cutting-edge Innovation: Engage with the latest trends and technologies in information management through this hackathon, fostering creative problem-solving.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with developers, designers, and experts, allowing for idea sharing, learning, and potential future collaborations or mentorships.
  • Skill Development: Enhance your information management skills by tackling real-world challenges and collaborating with experts, boosting your career.
  • Impact and Recognition: Solve significant data management issues, potentially revolutionising industries and earning recognition for your innovative solutions.
  • Personal Growth: Develop resilience, adaptability, and critical thinking in this fast-paced, challenging environment.
  • Fun and Excitement: Enjoy the thrill of competition and camaraderie, brainstorming and working towards common goals with your team.
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The Hackathon welcomes ANYONE who is passionate about problem solving!



Here are some key groups who should consider registering:

  • University Students: Students pursuing degrees in information management, data, business, or related fields
  • ICT Developers: Developers specialising in IM systems, databases, data integration, or data analytics
  • Engineers: Engineers with a focus on information management, software engineering, or system design
  • Data Scientists: Professionals skilled in data processing, statistical modelling, and machine learning
  • IM Practitioners: Professionals experienced in information governance, quality, privacy, and security
  • IM Vendors: Companies and providers of tools, software, and platforms for information management

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  • You must be a team of a minimum 3 and a maximum of 5
  • At least 2 x team participants must attend in-person
  • See the Hackathon Rules for a full list of eligibility criteria

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  • 10 July 2024: Official Registration Opens 
  • 1 August 2024: Judges & Mentors Announced
  • 23 August 2024: Registrations Closed
  • 23 August 2024: Hack Packs Provided
  • 3 September 2024: Hackathon Commences 8:00AM
  • 4 September 2024: Hackathon Concludes 10:00AM
  • 4 September 2024: Prize Winner Announced at 4:00PM

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  • The Hackathon will take place at the RIMPA Live Convention 2024 in Adelaide, at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
  • The Hackathon is a hybrid event with option for both in-person and virtual attendance. However there must be a minimum of 2 people in-person.
  • The Hackathon Pitch and Briefing of solutions must be completed by the team representatives who are participating in-person. 
  • We highly encourage all participants to participate for the entire duration of the hackathon and in-person in order to get the best support and guidance from the mentors.
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Innovation, out-of-the-box thinking, and fresh perspectives are crucial as we look towards the future of information management.

National Archives of Australia, the proud sponsor of the RIMPA Global Hackathon 2024, plays a crucial role in preserving and providing access to the documentary heritage of Australia. As a leading authority in records and information management, National Archives supports innovation and excellence in the industry. By sponsoring this hackathon, they demonstrate their commitment to fostering new solutions and technologies that enhance digitization, automation, and integration while ensuring the integrity and accessibility of vital records. Their support underscores the importance of this event in driving forward the future of information management practices!


Ready To Hack? Register Today!

Bring your creativity, collaboration, and competitive spirit to the RIMPA Global Hackathon. Your ideas could revolutionise how we value information and earn you a $10,000 AUD prize! Don’t miss this chance to be part of something transformative. Register now and get ready to innovate!


Please contact our Events Team for further details [email protected]

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Tuesday 3 September
7.30am – 8am
Registration Open

Registration Open

8am – 9am
Hackathon Overview & Housekeeping

Welcome & Introduction

9am – 4pm
Hackathon Commencing

Hackathon Commencing

4pm – 5pm
First Pitch | Mentor Feedback

First Pitch | Mentor Feedback

5pm – 5.30pm
Hacking Concludes

Hacking Concludes

Wednesday 4 September
8am – 10am
Pitch Preparations

Pitch Preparations

10am – 12pm
The Hackathon Pitch

The Hackathon Pitch

12pm – 12.30pm
Hackathon Concluded

Hackathon Concluded

4.30pm – 5pm
Winner Announcement

Winner Announcement

Hackathon Policies

Code of Conduct

At our technical events, including hackathon conferences, we are committed to fostering an environment that upholds the principles of respect and inclusivity. We value the participation of every attendee, sponsor, partner, volunteer, and staff member, regardless of their race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, national origin, ethnicity, or religion. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our hackathon is a space where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. We define harassment as any behavior that includes offensive comments, verbal threats or demands, the display of overly sexualized images in public spaces, intimidation, stalking, the unauthorized capturing of photographs or recordings, the deliberate disruption of sessions or events, and any unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention.

This Code of Conduct applies to all participants—attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers—both during the hackathon and at conference-related social events held off-site. It also extends to our online communities and social media platforms. If anyone is found engaging in harassing behavior, they will be asked to cease their actions immediately.

We extend our gratitude to all participants for their cooperation in creating an environment that is welcoming, respectful, and friendly to all. By working together, we can ensure that the hackathon experience is enriching for everyone involved.

Anti-Harassment Policy

At our hackathon, we are dedicated to creating an environment that is free from harassment and ensures a positive experience for everyone involved. Harassment can take various forms, including offensive verbal comments related to gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and the display of sexual images in public spaces. It also encompasses acts of intimidation, stalking, following, non-consensual photography or audio/video recording, disruptive behavior during talks or events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. We want to emphasize that the use of overly sexual language and imagery is never appropriate at any hackathon venue, including hacks, talks, workshops, parties, social media, and other online platforms.

While we encourage participants to engage in photography, it is important to respect the wishes of others. If someone expresses their objection to being photographed, please comply with their request. It is considered inappropriate to take photographs in contexts where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as bathrooms or sleeping areas.

It is crucial to note that our anti-harassment policy applies equally to the hacks created during our hackathon. All participants, including sponsors, partners, exhibitors, and volunteers, are expected to adhere to this policy. Sponsors should refrain from using overly sexualized images, activities, or materials, and sponsor representatives should avoid wearing clothing/uniforms/costumes that are overly sexualized or creating an environment that is sexualized in nature.

Participants who are asked to stop engaging in harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. If you experience harassment, witness harassment happening to someone else, or have any other concerns, please reach out to a member of our hackathon staff immediately. Our staff is here to assist you and can help with contacting local security or law enforcement, providing escorts, or offering any necessary support to ensure your safety throughout the duration of the hackathon.

Any participant who violates these rules may face sanctions or expulsion from the hackathon, without a refund if applicable, at the discretion of the organizers. We take incidents of harassing behavior seriously, and the hackathon organizers may take appropriate actions, including issuing warnings or expelling offenders from the hackathon without refund.

We expect all participants to respect and abide by these rules at the hackathon venue, workshop locations, and hackathon-related social events. Your attendance is highly valued, and we are committed to creating an inclusive and safe space for everyone involved.

Intellectual Property Policy

A. Intellectual Property Rights
Any submission to the hackathon remains the intellectual property of the individual or organizations that developed it. We encourage participants to open source their projects to both share their hacks with the greater community and promote innovation in this space.

B. Protection of Intellectual Property
By submitting a hackathon entry or accepting any prize, participants represent and warrant the following: 1) participants will not submit content that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret, or otherwise subject to third-party intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless the participant is the owner of such rights or has permission from the rightful owner to post the content and to grant the hackathon all of the rights granted herein; 2) the participant will not publish falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage the hackathon, its sponsors, or any third party; 3) the participant will not submit content that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, encourages criminal activity, gives rise to civil liability, or is otherwise inappropriate or destructive to the hackathon’s or sponsors’ brand image or goodwill; 4) the participant will not post advertisements or solicitations of business; 5) the hackathon will not be obligated to pay any compensation to, or permit any participation by, any third party in connection with the use, reproduction, modification, publication, display, or other exploitation of any of the content that the participant submits; and 6) the content the participant submits does not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other disabling devices or harmful code.

By posting or submitting a hackathon entry to the Contest (regardless of the form or medium of such content), the participant hereby grants the hackathon and its sponsors, their respective affiliates, their affiliates’ agents, and third-party contractors a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license, with the right to sublicense, discuss, publicize, market, and otherwise display content derived from or relating to the hackathon entry (“Marketing Content”), and to distribute and use such Marketing Content for promotional and marketing purposes either in the form submitted or in the form of a derivative or adapted work. The participant understands that he or she will not receive any compensation or credit for use of your hackathon entry, other than what is described in these Official Contest Rules.

C. Copyright
The participant represents and warrants that he or she is the sole author and copyright owner of the submission, and that the submission is the participant’s original work. If the submission is a work based on an existing application, the participant warrants: 1) that he or she has acquired sufficient rights to use and to authorize others to use the submission as specified in the “Intellectual Property Rights” section of the Rules, 2) that the Submission does not infringe upon any copyright or upon any other third-party rights of which the participant is aware, and 3) that the submission is free of malware.


A. Eligibility
The hackathon organizers will have the right at their sole discretion to determine whether an entrant is eligible for the Contest. The hackathon may disqualify entries that: 1) are in violation of third-party rights, law, or regulation, 2) use inappropriate or explicit language or images, or 3) display content that the hackathon or its sponsors otherwise finds objectionable or inconsistent with the hackathon’s or its sponsors’ brand image or goodwill.

The hackathon will accept only those entries that are completed and submitted as described above and that conform to any technical requirements specified as part of the entry process. Entries that do not comply with the provisions of these Official Contest Rules will be deemed ineligible and will not be considered.

B. Winner Selection/Judging Criteria
The Contest winners will be selected by a panel of judges (“Judges”).

By submitting any hackathon entry, entrants release the hackathon, its sponsors, their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, and advisors from any and all liability for any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the decisions of the Judges.

C. Awards
Contest prizes are non-transferable by the winner. Accepting a prize, makes a prize recipient solely responsible for all applicable taxes related to accepting such prize.

D. Conduct
By entering this contest, participants agree to be bound by this policy. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the hackathon reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Participants further agree to be bound by the decisions of the hackathon and the judges which shall be final and binding in all respects. The hackathon reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual that violates this or any other hackathon policy, and acts in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any other person.



Hackathon FAQ’s


No – there is nothing illegal in our hackathons. ‘Hackathon’ is short for ‘hacking marathon’ – an event about creating, or ‘hacking together’, new solutions in unique ways over an extended period of time.


The registrations will open at 7:30AM - 8:00AM, followed by a Welcome and Introduction, with the Hackathon commencing at 9:30AM.


On Day 1 the Hackathon starts at 09:30AM until 05:00PM, however your team can continue to work until next day at 08:00am.

We aim to have you finished by around 12:00PM on Day 2 and winners announced on the 4:00PM.


We send you home in the early evening of Day 1 at 5:00pm. We do this because we find you can be more relaxed and productive in your own environment. It also means that you produce better MVPs than if we all stay together overnight.


  • You must be a team of a minimum 3 and a maximum of 5
  • At least 2 x team participants must attend in-person


The best size team is between 3 and 5 people. We do this because we know that high performing teams are smaller and more nimble. At least 2 x team participants must attend in-person.


You need a mix of skills – what we call the ‘four Hs’:

Hackers – You need people who can code or build things. Sometimes you need more than one of these

Hipsters – You need people with good design skills. They need user experience, graphic design, and web skills. They will give you an edge

Hustlers – These are the business focused people who can pitch your story and close your deals. Without a hustler you don’t stand a chance

Humanitarian – You need someone who can bring a social conscience to your project. This ensures that you are engaging the right communities and stakeholders and placing the user story at the centre of the solution you are developing


Yes, we provide you with subject matter experts and mentors. They will help you build better solutions – but only if you listen to them and take their advice. Of course, choosing the best advice is always difficult.


There are no hard and fast rules – but the judges will be assessing your MVPs according to the problem. You are more likely to rate well if you are tackling the known problem.


The IP is owned by the team. How you divide that up is up to you. The sponsors of the event may want to talk to you about commercialising your IP if it meets their needs. We can always help with that.


You are welcome to bring frameworks and code libraries etc to help accelerate your work. But the hackathon is about creating new solutions to challenges – not pitching an existing product. The judges will mark you down if you come with something that is obviously pre-produced.


The Hackathon will take place at the RIMPA Live Convention 2024 in Adelaide, at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

  • The Hackathon is a hybrid event with option for both in-person and virtual attendance. However there must be a minimum of 2 people in-person.
  • The Hackathon Pitch and Briefing of solutions must be completed by the team representatives who are participating in-person. 
  • We highly encourage all participants to participate for the entire duration of the hackathon and in-person in order to get the best support and guidance from the mentors. 


The registrations costs for each team is $250 AUD.


Absolutely. When you complete your registration, please choose payment method "Pay by Invoice” and it will be sent to you, directly.


Attendees may be substituted up until 5:00PM AEST, 1 September 2024. Please email the Hackathon manager with details: [email protected]


As per our terms and conditions, all cancellations must be notified in writing to the [email protected] email less than 7 days prior to the event.


We have you covered - there will be free Wi-Fi available throughout the conference rooms during the Hackathon period.


No need to stress about dress codes here - we want you to feel as comfortable as ever while tapping into your boundless creativity and unleashing your innovative spirit. So, whether you prefer rocking your coolest tees or your trendy sneakers, come as you are and let the fun begin!


Yes, catering will be provided for all participants throughout the day!


Yes, absolutely! You can contact people outside your registered team.