Speaker Confirmation and AV Requirements

Biography describing yourself plus your qualification/s and current professional status. (50-100-word) * (required)
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Speaker Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions are standard for all presenters (keynotes, facilitators, discussion panel) at RIMPA Live 2024 Convention.

  • Eligibility: Speakers must meet the eligibility criteria set forth by the convention organisers. This may include professional expertise, industry experience, or specific qualifications relevant to the convention theme.
  • Presentation Content: Speakers are responsible for developing and delivering high-quality content that aligns with the convention's objectives and themes. The content should be original and free from any infringement of intellectual property rights.
  • Timeliness: Speakers must adhere to the assigned schedule and time limit for their presentation. Any delays or changes must be communicated in advance to the convention organisers.
  • Travel and Accommodation: Unless otherwise agreed upon, speakers are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses, including accommodation, transportation, and visa requirements.
  • Audiovisual Requirements: Speakers should communicate their audiovisual needs well in advance to the convention organisers. Standard audiovisual equipment, such as projectors and microphones, will be provided, but any special requirements or additional equipment may incur extra costs.
  • Consent for Recording and Use of Presentation: By agreeing to these terms and conditions, speakers grant the convention organisers the right to record, reproduce, and distribute their presentations for promotional and educational purposes, without any financial compensation.
  • Professional Conduct: Speakers are expected to maintain a professional demeaner and adhere to ethical guidelines during their presentations. Any form of discrimination, harassment, or offensive behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • Cancellation: In the event of speaker cancellation, the convention organisers must be notified promptly. Cancellation fees, if applicable, will be outlined in the speaker agreement.
  • Indemnity: Speakers shall indemnify and hold harmless the convention organisers against any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from their presentations or participation in the convention.
  • Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Australia, and any disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Australia.

It is the intention of RIMPA Global to make available to all delegates in attendance at the convention the presentation content. In addition, RIMPA Global may wish to use your presentation in whole or part for future events or to be reprinted in iQ magazine, further RIMPA may be asked for permission to use part or all your presentation by outside bodies. Therefore, as an author please complete this authority to publish form below. Completion of this document is evidence of your authority