24 Jul 2024

Privacy Act changes present another significant hurdle for Aged Care

The aged care sector is facing new challenges due to updates to the Privacy Act, including stricter data retention rules.

The aged care sector is facing new challenges due to updates to the Privacy Act, including stricter data retention rules, the removal of small business exemptions, and increased penalties for non-compliance. Organisations need to prepare by updating their data management policies, minimising data retention, and ensuring all staff are trained in data handling practices. These changes aim to bring Australia's privacy laws in line with global standards and mitigate risks from cyber attacks, with significant penalties for breaches.

RIMPA Global CEO, Anne Cornish is quoted in this article, saying “Organisations are only going to have 12 months to get themselves organised and that’s not a long time if you want to do this properly. Get the tools, understand your retention policies and get rid of inactive records as soon as you can because you’re just putting yourself at risk”.

Read full article in Hello Leaders