08 Nov 2023

Registration Open for DPC Event “Preserving Content From Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace”

This event will explore how a number of organisations are beginning to tackle the challenge of preserving content from Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.

We will hear from speakers at different stages of thinking, planning, and acting, as well as from the perspective of a solution provider. Time will be set aside for Q&A and discussion, and attendees will be encouraged to consider how to move forward with these challenges in their own organisations.

Programme (times are in UTC)

12:30 - Welcome

12:40 - Your partners in (cloud) preservation: an Information Management perspective on M365 - Angela Beking, Manager, Information and Data Management Policy, Privy Council Office, Government of Canada

13:00 - Trends in Records Management and the Work of the IRMS - Reynold Leming, Vice Chair - External Engagement, Information and Records Management Society Limited

13:20 - Preserving information from Microsoft 365 - a practical use case - Jon Tilbury, Chief Innovation Officer, Preservica

13:40 - Break

14:00 - Archiving SharePoint data: dealing with challenges and avoiding them where possible - Stijn Bovy, Digital Archivist, Digital Archives Flanders

14:20 - Bryony Hooper, Digital Preservation Manager, University of Sheffield

14:40 - Cloud Transfer: Lessons learned at The National Archives (UK) - Paul Young, Digital Archiving Specialist/Researcher, Rachael Gardner, Senior Digital Transfer Adviser and Balint Csollei, Cross Government Engagement Lead, The National Archives (UK)

15:00 - Discussion

15:30 - Close

Find out more and register:  https://www.dpconline.org/events/eventdetail/221/-/does-it-have-to-be-this-hard-preserving-content-from-microsoft-365-and-google-workspace