19 Feb 2025

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign announces the release of a new specification.

The new specification, based on ISO 19005 standards, in is "EA-PDF: An Archival Email Format Based on PDF/A".

Based on existing ISO 19005 standards for archival-quality PDF files (PDF/A-3 and PDF/A-4f), EA-PDF provides a mechanism for encoding of email source data, together with a visual representation of the message content. The publication of this specification reflects the work of a Liaison Working Group within the PDF Association, a group that included members of both the library/archival and PDF communities. A copy of the specification is available here:  https://pdfa.org/resource/ea-pdf/.

More information and a link to a proof-of-concept software that produces conformant EA-PDF files is available at  https://pdfa.org/ea-pdf-archiving-email-using-pdf/.  

The research and development of EA-PDF was supported by a grant from the  Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.