PII Unplugged | Safeguarding Personal Identifiable Information

10am – 10.30am AEST, 16 May 2024 ‐ 30 mins

Presented By David Wiesner

Uncover the intricacies of personally identifiable information (PII) in the modern digital landscape. Join David Wiesner as he delve into practical strategies, real-world examples, and the latest trends in PII management. Gain valuable insights and best practices for handling this information, tailored for both novices and seasoned professionals in data privacy. The presentation will include details about: 

  1. Collecting, Utilising and Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  2. What are the risks of not safeguarding PII
  3. General rules for safeguarding PII include
  4. Collecting and Accessing sensitive PII
  5. Using and sharing sensitive PII
  6. Disposition of sensitive PII
  7. Reporting any privacy breach