Practical AI applications for Records Professionals! | Presented By Demos Gougoulas

12.50pm – 1.20pm ACST, 4 September 2024 ‐ 30 mins


For over 20 years EzeScan has been helping records professionals take the hard work out of capturing and registering their documents and email with intelligent capture and our seamless integrations with over 40 popular EDRMS. 

Designed with records professionals in mind, EzeScan uniquely aligns record keeping best practices with business requirements to make records capture a function of the business process and not only a function of compliance.

This presentation will showcase EzeScan’s new DCA (Document Classification Assistant) WebApp.  This machine learning tool places records professionals in the driver’s seat to coordinate and manage the ever-increasing amount of information being generated and entering the business.  Hardcopy and digital born documents including email and digital forms can now be automatically identified and directed into your EzeScan records processing workflows.